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5 Canva Design Mistakes You’re (probably) Making (and how to fix them)







Canva. It’s the design solution on every realtor’s lips, like the peanut butter to their jelly, or the Beyoncé to their Destiny’s Child. This revolutionary tool has democratized design, making it easier than ever to create eye-catching graphics for social media, flyers, and marketing materials.

But just because anyone can technically use Canva, doesn’t mean everyone is a hidden Picasso waiting to be discovered.

Because let’s be honest, design does have some underlying principles, (not like, crazy complicated physics or anything, but still important). These aren’t meant to stifle your creativity, but rather act as a compass to guide you towards clear, engaging, and psychologically effective visuals.

Without this design compass, the ease of Canva can sometimes lead to…well, let’s just say your listings might end up looking like a toddler decorated them with glitter and leftover macaroni (we’ve all been there, no judgment).

The good news is, with a few simple guidelines, you can avoid these pitfalls and leverage Canva to create real estate marketing materials that will have your peers asking, “Who’s your designer? I need their number stat!” 

So, grab your metaphorical cup of coffee (or margarita), and let’s dive into the biggest mistakes real estate agents are currently making when designing in Canva so you can create with ease (because let’s be real, you’ve got houses to sell, not a graphic design degree to get!)…

Mistake #1: Everything But The Kitchen Sink Syndrome

Ever seen a real estate listing ad with every single detail crammed in – square footage, school districts, the realtor’s life story, their cat’s favorite napping spot? Yeah, not a good look. This is what I like to call, the “Everything But the Kitchen Sink Syndrome” of design.


Why it’s a drag:
People are bombarded with information online. When your graphics are cluttered, they just scroll right on by. Faster than you can say “open house.”

Fix it like this:
Focus on one strong image (think your best listing photo) and a clear message. Let the property shine! Caption it with the details, but ditch the info overload in the design itself.

Mistake #2: Inconsistent Branding: Confusing Your Audience with a Design Chameleon Act

Canva’s a treasure trove of fonts, colors, and templates – enough to make your head spin faster than a house in a bidding war! It’s tempting to play dress-up with every design, but hold on to your high heels, partner! Consistency is key to building a recognizable brand.

Why it matters:
Think of your favorite stores. They all have a distinct look and feel, right? That’s branding! When people see your content and recognize your style, they know it’s you.
(Like a signature style, but for design, not your questionable dance moves)

Fix it like this:
Develop a branded design aesthetic. Choose specific colors, fonts, and a general vibe that reflects your personality.
(Think “fun and friendly realtor,” not “gothic horror villain selling haunted houses”). Stick to it across all your marketing materials for a cohesive and professional look that screams, “You can trust me to sell your house… maybe not a haunted one, though.”


Mistake #3: All Business and No Personality? Big Snoozefest Alert!



Why it’s a bummer:
Nobody goes onto social to be sold to. Sure we might buy that conditioner that promises impossibly silky hair, but we didn’t head onto Instagram thinking I want to see ads. And the problem with Real Estate posts that look like ads? They aren’t targetted? Which means that your posting for a very small percentage of your audience that may or may not be in the market to buy a home. 

Fix it like this:
Instead of always thinking I need to post listings, let your audience get to know you while they aren’t in the market so that when they are they already feel connected to you and your story!  Share local events, offer homeowner tips or give your audience a glimpse into your life as a realtor. Let your personality shine through and build genuine connections with your audience.

Mistake #4: Lack of White Space

Ever feel claustrophobic in a crowded room with furniture crammed everywhere? Or quietly uncomfortable when someone is hovering a little too close to you while looking over your shoulder at your computer screen (if so you’re not alone, #PERSONALSPACE) The same goes for design! White space (empty space) is your friend, and should be embraced. 



Why it’s suffocating:
When your design is crammed with text and images that are too close to each other, it’s overwhelming and hard to read, not to mention psychologically unappealing. When a design looks messy, people tend not to see at all, and scroll on by. No bueno.

Fix it like this:
Give your elements room to breathe! Don’t be afraid to add space between all the elements of your design. Think of each element (like fonts, icons, photos) as needing their own personal space from one another to achieve a beautifully delicious design  (like a delicious cupcake for the eyes).

Mistake #5: Stock Photo Overload

Stock photos can be a lifesaver, but let’s face it – they’re often as generic as a handshake at a business conference. They’re the participation trophies of the design world – everyone gets one, but they’re forgettable. Don’t get us wrong, a well-curated collection of on-brand stock photos can be a powerful marketing tool. BUT, most real estate stock photos fall somewhere between “used-car salesman smile” and “family awkwardly posing in front of a green screen.”


Why it’s a yawn:
People connect with authenticity. Stock photos scream “generic” and don’t tell your story. 

Fix it like this:
Use photos that showcase your personality and local market. Can’t afford a pro photographer? Grab a friend and take some lifestyle shots. Unique visuals will set you apart from the competition.

So there you have it! These are just a few design mistakes you can easily avoid. Now you’re ready to create graphics that grab attention and showcase your real estate expertise.

Want to take your Canva skills to the next level and create graphics that convert? Click this LINK to join my free 5-day Canva course designed specifically for real estate agents. It’s packed with bite-sized lessons that’ll have you using Canva with confidence in no time! (because who needs a meltdown over margins when you can be closing deals?)

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