
Why Templates Should be Part of Your Marketing Strategy







Instagram is great, I love Instagram, I could scroll for hours looking at pretty pictures and flipping through IG stories. It’s an amazing platform that, if you’re using it well, can help to generate a lot of business for you. Here’s the issue that most realtors face- who has the time to create a cohesive, perfectly laid-out feed? Or who has the know-how to create stunning designs in Canva?  Enter templates. Templates, specifically Canva templates, can expose to you the perfectly curated world of beautiful done-for-you posts and stories. So why do it? Why use Canva Templates for your Instagram account?

Here are five ways templates can help you in your real estate business:

one | THEY SAVE YOU TIME – If you’re DIYing your own marketing you know the struggle of trying to create eye-catching marketing pieces. What seems like it should take minutes, takes hours. Really, who has the time to think about all that? You’re a busy realtor, and time is money, my friend. Using templates can cut your design time in half,  and for some closer to a quarter. It’s as easy as choosing the look you like, or one that compliments the home you are trying to sell, switching out the photos, headlines and voila! A gorgeous piece ready to post and done in minutes. 

two | THEY CREATE A COHESIVE LOOK -Trying to figure out font pairings, colour palettes, and layout can be a struggle if you don’t know what you’re doing, and it’s also why a lot of relator feeds on IG are missing that curated brand-style element that polished feeds exude. Enter templates. Using ready-made templates created by designers can give you that polished look in seconds vs hours. Just pick the one you like, plug in your content, and you’re ready to post! Your feed and stories will thank you. 

three | THEY SAVE MONEY! – who doesn’t love to save money when it comes to marketing properties. This can be an expensive aspect of selling a home, but with online programs like Canva, the world of design has opened up to the masses and that definitely includes realtors. With templates, you can create drool-worthy property marketing pieces and social media posts that won’t break the bank and that’s always a plus in our books! 

three | IT’S LIKE HAVING A DESIGNER IN YOUR BACK POCKET – No more trying to figure out what fonts or colours or layout would best highlight your new rustic listing, or paying a designer to do that for you. Using pre-made templates allow you to just plug and play your photos and content, without having to double-check, or second guess your work, it really is like having a designer on staff. We won’t tell if you don’t. 


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