
3 Steps to Determining Your Brand Voice







Your brand voice is the way you communicate with your audience and as a realtor it is directly related to how your audience and potential clients feel about working with you. Your brand voice influences everything from your marketing messaging to your visuals to the way you communicate with your clients so getting to know it intimately and being able to tell designers, photographers and new teammates exactly what your brand voice sounds like is so important when it comes to your personal and professional branding. It’s also one of the hardest things to nail down and get right. So how do you know what your brand voice is or how to find it? Let’s look at 3 ways to determine your brand voice.



I know, I know, you’re probably thinking I’m bat crap crazy for asking such a crazy questions, but the truth is, if you’re having trouble figuring out your brand voice then you probably need some tricks to help you get there. 

Think about it, If I were to say your brand were George Clooney what images come to mind? I bet you saw a handsome, refined man in a tux flashing a charming, all-knowing smile. Now imagine Georgie-boy is the voice of your company, how would he talk to your clients, what phrases, tone and style would he use to convey your  real estate messaging? It might seem completely loopy to think of a celebrity talking about your real estate business but it’s a great way to get an idea of how you want your messaging to sound. By taking yourself out of the equation you can take a step back and look at the tone objectively. Now it’s your turn, if your brand had a celebrity ambassador who would it be?



Have you ever had a client you wanted to work with 1000 more times and you just wish all your clients could be as easy and as fun to work with as that one special person? Most of us in service based industries have and in order to keep working with people just like that we have to hone in on how it felt and how we communicated with that one person. Try to think back to how you spoke, what tone you had and how you liked to dole out property info. Were you playful and friendly? Were you professional and quiet? The way you speak to your favourite clients is generally the closest you’ll get to the real you… when you are comfortable and confident your true brand voice comes out to play and that’s where the magic is. So next time you write a post or a piece of marketing material try to imagine yourself sitting across from your dream client and write just for them, you’ll be surprised what comes out.



When in doubt, think of colleagues that you are totally jealous of. Wait! You? Jealous? Never! But really, jealousy doesn’t have to be a bad thing, we can use it to inform us when we want what someone else has. Instead of begrudging them, we can study them. With that in mind, head over to your favourite realtor account and start asking yourself questions like why do I like this so much? or what am I envious of? or , what are they posting about here that resonates with me? If I could borrow (steal)  3 qualities from them what would they be? By studying those we admire we learn a lot about our deepest desires and what we truly want for ourselves.  Try it today, head over to 3 accounts you follow that you love and ask yourself some deep dive questions, and pay attention to what comes up… those answers are the ingredients for your brand voice. 


The 3 ways you get clarity around your brand voice. Once you have this nailed down, you’ll see just how many pieces start to fall into place when it comes to your branding.  And don’t forget to leave a comment below with any insights you might have picked up here, I’m always so happy to hear from you!


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