
Ten Things You Should Include in Your Seller Guide







Are you still relying on MLS sheets and a charming smile to sell yourself to potential clients?  In today’s visually enriched and tech-based world the savvy seller can jump on Instagram and know exactly what your colleagues are offering, so how do you compete? To wow potential clients you need to leave them with something that creates a connection to you, your style and your selling process. Without that connection, they will be on the hunt for the realtor with the lowest commission. A beautifully and thoughtfully designed Seller Guide (digital and print) can be hugely helpful in presenting yourself to your clients and proving you are worth every single penny. To make sure your presentation stands out among the stiffest of competitors, We’ve compiled a list of the 10 things every Seller Guide should include.  

one | STATS

Stats – one of the best ways to make a seller feel taken care of is to show them you know the market. Include selling stats, average selling times, how staging affects sale price etc. Before you start typing away paragraphs of information and statistical data, think about displaying this information through infographics that can easily be skimmed and interpreted in seconds. You want to give your potential clients a quick overview of what it looks like to sell their home while answering questions they weren’t even aware they had.  


Make sure your Seller Guide mirrors the steps you usually discuss in a presentation. The digital version of your seller guide can act as a visual aid to your presentation, so lay it out the same way you would your pitch. For example, if you like to lead with who you are and what you do, add that to the beginning of the brochure, if you prefer to lead with stats, make that first page. 


What makes you special, what do past clients always say about you, try to think of things that differentiate you from other realtors. Have your past clients talked about how amazing it is to work with you because you became like part of the family? Do you love becoming friends with your clients? Do you offer services that other agents don’t? In a world where every realtor is leading with “I go above and beyond for my clients,” think outside the box and wow your clients with what truly makes you different. 


Include a ton of visuals, and when you think you have enough … add more. There is nothing more tedious than an overly verbose document that doesn’t have any visual appeal. Here is a stat for you, according to Google it takes about 50 milliseconds for a user to decide whether the information presented to them is useful or not, with numbers like that, it’s important to make sure your Seller’s Guide has a large amount of visual pop to accompany the message you are trying to convey.  


In the digital version of your guide, add links and buttons to examples of your offerings. Do you offer staging? Add a button your potential clients can click to get more information, a video or slideshow displaying a wide range of before and afters. Have video testimonials? Add links to them. Want to include a worksheet? Add editable fields with free online services like, similar to visual appeal, making a document interactive makes your reader more engaged and more likely to want to read more. 


Selling a home involves a lot of steps and can be daunting and overwhelming to a lot of people. A great way to offer peace of mind is to provide them with a standard calendar outlining what a typical sale looks like, from cleaning the house to repairs to staging to showings and offer night, lay out the steps for them so they know what to expect. They will thank you for it! 

seven | ADD Q’s & A’s 

Beat them to the punch with common questions and your most thoughtful answers. Selling a home is a big deal and there is no such thing as over coddling your clients during this process. Having a section outlining common concerns is a great way to offer added value after the meeting. They may have questions they didn’t think to ask when you in person, this page of your document acts as a backup, in case anything was missed. 


Providing a list of what you will do for your clients, is a fantastic way to showcase just how much work goes into the home selling process. Some sellers might be unaware of the amount of work a realtor does to prepare, market and sell their home, laying out your services in a thoughtful and visually appealing manner can go a long way to avoid being asked the dreaded commission question… you know the one! 


They said what? Testimonials are a great, great way to add credibility to the rest of your guide. Without past clients backing up what you have presented, your words are just that – words. Testimonials offer people a personal glimpse into what it’s really like working with you. Pro tip: If you have video testimonials, link to them in your guide. 


Who doesn’t love a great checklist? This is another way to add value after the meeting. You can include as many checklists as you want in the actual document or links to checklists you offer on your site or both! Great examples we’ve done in the past are moving checklists, home prep checklists, DIY staging checklists, and seasonal checklists that provide things to consider depending on what time of year they are selling their home. 

There you have it, 10 things to include to make your Seller Guide the best in the biz. Remember in today’s tech-savvy world high-quality print and digital content are a definite must to wow potential clients.


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