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Getting Unstuck: How to Find Fresh-as-Heck Content Ideas for Social Media







We’ve all experienced the struggle of the “content blues,” where even the most sophisticated AI-generated prompts fail to ignite our creative spark. If you’ve stumbled upon this blog post, neck-deep in a creative slump, fear not—I’ve got your back with some killer tips to help you come up with fresh-as-heck content ideas for your next IG post. Let’s dive in!

Offshoot Industries

When I need a content refresh, I head straight to Pinterest and search for “interior design blog ideas,” “web design blog ideas,” or even “marketing ideas for photographers.” Exploring creative fields like web design, interior design, and photography gives me a healthy dose of inspiration without repeating what’s already been done in my own industry (graphic design, marketing, coaching for realtors). 

The lesson here is to break free from the confines of real estate-related content. Take inspiration from fashion, travel, food, or even technology industries and discover how they captivate their audiences. 

Here’s an example of what that might look like:

Original Architecture Article Idea: “Innovative Sustainable Design: Homes of the Future”
Adapted Real Estate Content Idea: “Creating Your Eco-Friendly Oasis: Embracing Sustainable Living in Your Dream Home”

Look for innovative storytelling techniques, engaging visuals, and clever campaigns that you can adapt to your real estate brand. Infusing fresh elements from different industries into your social media content will make you stand out and attract a wider audience.

No. 02
Chat GPT

Let’s talk about the mind-blowing world of ChatGPT. Trust me, I was as blown away as everyone else when I hopped on board. But, in complete honesty, it did take me a few tries to leverage its potential for my online business fully. As part of our real estate membership, we provide realtors with monthly prompts they can use with ChatGPT. There was a bit of a learning curve, but we discovered some invaluable tips along the way. Here’s the gist:

– Instead of a generic request like “give me social media post ideas for a realtor,” try a topic-based request like “Can you suggest some creative content ideas for social media posts related to home staging?”

– Instead of asking for 10 hashtags for a post, go for a trend-focused request such as “Can you give me some insights into popular hashtags that are relevant to luxury real estate marketing?”

– Rather than a plain “create an engaging post about home selling,” opt for a creative prompt like “How can I create engaging social media content that highlights the local amenities and attractions of [city]?”

– Instead of a straightforward “write a blog post about first-time homebuyer struggles,” try a Q&A-style request such as “What are some common questions that first-time homebuyers have, and how can I address them in my social media content?”

Pretty groovy, right? Give it a shot and let me know how it goes. And hey, if you have any tips or insights of your own, feel free to share them below!


No. 03
Explore, Explore, Explore

One of the best sources of inspiration is right at your fingertips—the Explore page on any social media platform. It’s there to show you what tickles your fancy. Pay attention to trending topics, captivating visuals, and popular hashtags. This sparks fresh ideas and gives you insights into what content resonates with your target audience. Consider the Explore page your playground of inspiration, and watch your creativity soar!

So go ahead, think outside the box, and let your creativity shine! Get ready to captivate your audience with content that’s fresh as heck!

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