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Turn Followers into Leads with This Underused IG Tool







Ever feel like a broken record on Instagram, constantly promoting your freebie but getting zero traction in return? We’ve all been there. But the good news is, there’s a way to attract leads without annoying your audience. The secret weapon? Instagram Stories.

Here’s the reality: only about 6% of your followers see any given post. But with Stories, boasting an 81% completion rate, you have a much better chance of grabbing their attention and turning them into potential clients. Why? Because Stories are:

  • Engaging: Short, captivating content perfect for busy people.
  • Interactive: Use polls, questions, and stickers to get viewers involved.
  • Informative: Share valuable tips and insights to establish your expertise.

But how do you craft Stories that convert? Here’s where the 5-Slide Story Trick comes in. It’s a simple framework to create compelling narratives that lead viewers to your free guide naturally, leaving them eager to learn more.


Slide 1: The Hook (Spark Curiosity)

Your first slide sets the stage. Forget a generic “Hey everyone!” Instead, grab attention with a question that taps into your audience’s pain points.

Example: “Feeling overwhelmed by the home buying process? Let’s see how much you already know!”

Use answer stickers like “Expert” or “I know nothing” to spark engagement.


Slide 2: Knowledge Bomb (Show Your Expertise)

Now that you’ve got their attention, establish yourself as the go-to person. Share a quick, valuable tip related to their answer on the previous slide.

Example: “Did you know many jump into house hunting without understanding the financial side? Don’t worry, I can help!”

This positions you as the solution and piques their curiosity for more.


Slide 3: Tease the Solution (Offer a Glimpse)

Here’s where you introduce your free guide as the answer to their problems. But don’t give everything away!

Example: “That’s why I created my free ‘Homebuyer’s Roadmap’ guide! It breaks down the entire process step-by-step.”


Mention a couple of key benefits your guide provides, leaving them wanting the full picture.

Slide 4: Inspire & Connect (Motivate and Dream Big)

This slide is about tapping into your audience’s aspirations.

Example: “The average home buying age in our city is 45, but it’s never too late! You could be unpacking boxes sooner than you think!”


Connect with their dreams and address a common worry (age in this case) to build trust and excitement.


Slide 5: The Call to Action (Make it Easy)

Finally, the moment you’ve been building towards – the call to action! Tell them exactly what to do next, making it easy to grab your guide.

Example: “Ready to ditch the overwhelm and get on the path to homeownership? Swipe up to download my FREE ‘Homebuyer’s Roadmap’ guide!”

The Takeaway: Craft a Story, Not a Sales Pitch

This 5-slide structure is powerful because it creates a mini-narrative. It hooks viewers, offers valuable information, positions you as the expert, and then directs them towards your free guide (the solution) in a natural way. Remember, it’s about building trust and relationships, not just promoting your freebie.

Ready to take action? Snag this free guide “50 Irresistible Lead Magnet Ideas for Realtors” HERE!

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