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Save (SO MUCH) Time With This One Content Creation Hack







Quick! Name the movie:


“Roads? Where we’re going
we don’t need roads.”


Is there a more universally known quote out there? Ok, probably. But in my world, this is one of the best. And it’s one I utter often – like whenever I’m talking about something that seems insurmountable but that’s actually completely and totally “figureoutable.”

Like when Realtors in our membership The Marque Collective say they just don’t have time for social media or planning or content creation (time seems to be a huge obstacle, kinda like a  1.21-gigawatts moment, if you will. *wink*).

The truth is EVERYONE has time. We just make time for what we value and deem important. So if you’re well aware, thank you very much, how important a social media presence is but jumping into Canva to create a week’s worth of Instagram posts still feels overwhelming, let me introduce you to some time-saving tips that’ll get you saying things like:

“Time? Where we’re going,
we don’t NEED time.”

(I think now’s a great time to mention that if you’ve never seen Back to the Future, I’m pretty sure this friendship will never work. But I digress…)

We’re all about working smarter, not harder, here at Fourth Street. Which means time audits are a huge part of my quarterly game plan AND that I understand the need to do things more efficiently, especially when it comes to something like Instagram where the return on time isn’t exactly immediately quantifiable. Womp. Womp.

So you can bet your bottom dollar that when I find a time hack I’ll share it with you because:

👉 I get so excited and cannot keep my mouth shut because everyone needs to know I just cracked something that used to be a struggle.

👉 I genuinely care about you and your success and when you bring a problem to me, I work like gangbusters to try to solve it. (I’m kind of obsessed with puzzles so this is 83% selfish of me…)

Alright, you ready? Let’s dive into this delicious hack that will save you SO much time:

Turn older lengthy posts or blogs into tons of micro-content! I know sounds too simple to be valuable right? 

It’s actually extremely effective and here’s why.

If you have a really juicy content-heavy post that could be broken down into bite-sized consumable content on Instagram (or any social platform of choice) you have at least 7 posts ready to go. How?

Imagine a post, let’s say “Three Steps to Buying Your First Home” with 3 supporting points. You could condense that entire blog post and create one carousel post.

Or, you could turn those supporting points into 3 single-image posts, and elaborate on each of those points in your caption.

Or, you could take those points and create a reel! Or 3 reels where you elaborate on any supporting point.

So let’s recap:

one piece of long-form content (either a blog post you’ve written or an article online that you can put your own unique spin on) breaks down like this:



That’s 8 posts! And if you’re only posting every second day that’s more than half of your monthly content done! OK, you might want to spread these out over a few months so there is less repeated content BUT you’ve just created 8 posts from ONE piece of content. This is the definition of working smarter and not harder, my friend! Embrace the ease!

And if you’re a visual/audio learner check out this Reel where we explain how this all goes down:


All you’ve gotta do to make this a tangible strategy you can start putting into action is to schedule one hour a week (try to aim for when clients, kiddos, and puppies are least likely to bug you) to plan out your content, and if you need some visuals to help save you time, we’ve got you covered. Head over to the TEMPLATE SHOP to grab some IG templates so you can design your posts in a quarter of the time!



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