I get it, we are living in uncertain times and the last thing we want to think about is slapping on our makeup, and hitting the record button on our phones, it’s so much cozier to shrink back under the covers, and hit play on the latest episode of your favourite binge-worthy show. As a realtor, this time can be especially frightening, you might be wondering how stable the future of your real estate business is, or unsure of what steps you should be taking now to ensure you come through COVID-19 triumphant.  If there is one thing that should bring you great comfort it’s that you are not alone. The whole world is feeling uncertain, we are, for the first time in history, really ALL in this together. 

So how do you pivot during this slower season? After working with realtors for over 10 years, I can safely say the number one complaint I receive is “Melanie, I don’t have time for …” Yes, time is the biggest enemy of most realtors I work with. Between showings, meetings, networking, and family a realtor’s time is always stretched thin and that means a lot of things that can help grow your business usually get put off until “later.”  So while we are all hoping for a more stable time to come our way, I’m here to share 5 tangible steps you can take right now to set up your business for future success. 


In a time where most phones are equipped with a camera, there really is no reason you can’t offer your “free home evaluations” virtually. Send an email to your list, post on all social channels and DM contacts that have shown interest in your past offers that you are providing virtual home assessments. Have your potential clients virtually walk you through their home, then gather all the information you can, create a CMA, put together a package, and send it to them. Make sure to add them to your email list, so they get all the updates you will be sending them in #5! 


Blogs are a fantastic way to share relevant and new information with potential and past clients. Sharing market updates, home renovation tips, buyer info and even your favourite recipes, can keep you front of mind with your audience. Blogs can also act as a portal of information for your most commonly asked questions. You can direct new clients to blog posts that break down the selling or buying process, instead of repeating yourself countless times, or writing the same email over and over again. Think of blogs like your own real estate resource section. I’ve known many realtors who just direct their clients to the company blog, or realtor.ca. If you’re doing this you are missing a huge opportunity to connect with your clients. Writing a blog post allows you to inject your own personality into the content, to put your own spin on the information that is already out there, it allows you to showcase your personality on a different platform. With all this extra time, this is the perfect opportunity to start your blog and here is an idea for your first post “Why I decided to start a blog.”  


If your smartphone is camera-enabled, then you, my friend, have all the tools you need to be your own videographer. If you’re thinking you need full makeup, nails, a tailored suit and professional lighting to make a video, let me share a little stat with you, according to mediakix.com 40% of Instagram’s 1 billion users are creating video via Stories every single day. People are getting smarter and they are tired of seeing perfectly coiffed videos, they want to see someone who looks just like them… a hot mess. So be real, be raw and be helpful. Make short 1 minute videos with bite-sized market updates. The market is changing so rapidly right now that no one can keep up, so why not be the realtor who is handing out consistent and relevant information. In these topsy-turvy times, it will feel like a warm blanket to have someone as real and informed as you updating people with the latest stats.  When you’ve finished recording, make sure to upload to IG TV, Facebook, and Youtube. 


Now is the perfect time to get that email list going (if you don’t have one) or growing if you’ve neglected it. Email lists are a fantastic way to ensure you are always staying top of mind with your past clients and prospects. Think of email lists as a continual conversation you can have with a large group of people.  If your website isn’t set up with a lead capture tool, you are missing a massive opportunity. Offering something for free is a great way to establish authority, trust and reciprocity with your potential clients. Not sure what you can offer as your lead magnet? Right now, it can be as simple as weekly or daily updates about the real estate market. In uncertain times, people crave information and if they can get it delivered directly to their inbox, even better. Other ideas include tips and tricks, buyer and seller guides, and training videos (ie how to DIY your own staging). Check out our article on the innovative marketing strategies of top producers for more ideas. 


These quieter moments are the perfect opportunity to do a full assessment of your branding and marketing materials. How does your website look? Do you have a clear call to action and lead magnet to build your email list? How are your marketing materials holding up? Do they need an injection of freshness? What about your social media? Do you have a feed that represents your brand well? Realtors are some of the busiest people I know, so when you get an opportunity to slow down and assess, it’s important to … slow down and assess. Ask yourself, what your brand is really about, how you want to make people feel, and then decide if every point of contact is doing that effectively. Not sure what your brand is about? Take our 2-minute quiz HERE and get all the answers, plus a 10-page guide that will give you everything you need to DIY your own marketing material. 

And speaking of DIY’ing your own stuff, check out our shop for our affordable templates you can start using today. 

So there you have it, 5 ways you can pivot right now to ensure your business is set up for the busier season ahead. Just think of how you will feel when those calls start coming in again and you have systems in place that will make you look polished, professional and informed.



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